Facebook for Apple Users

Jan Bobbett

Announcement: The Apple Users Group of Sun Lakes has a new name — the Sun Lakes Apple Users Group (SLAUG) — so now we are aligned with the National Apple Users Group Organization, which qualifies us for quite a few benefits.

This month, the club invites Facebook (FB) newbies to learn FB basics from someone who knows FB well. Hank Unck, who was very well received when he shared with us how to create holiday newsletters, will now share his FB experience, focusing on Apple users.

This class is not intended for current FB users, but will prepare those newbies to make good decisions about setting up an account and making the most of FB settings to achieve what they want.

Content will include FB overview, explanation of terms and icons, page “ownership,” profile and timeline creation, controlling who can see what you post, as well as inviting and limiting friends and posts.

Save the date: February 11. We meet at 1:30 p.m. on the second Monday of the month in Cottonwood’s Phoenix Room.

We are pleased with the interest in our club’s topics. Because of limited space and so much interest, we ask that you reserve a space by contacting Gary Bross at [email protected].