Golden Goalies – power to you

Bea Loozer

Recently we had a discussion about a particular way we, as Golden Goalies, can empower ourselves. The approach we looked at was that of using affirmations, which are positive statements that we repeat frequently. To be effective, an affirmation is stated in the present tense and is positive, personal and specific.

Saying “I can’t do this” or “I’m too lazy” or “I’m going to fail” will not be effective at making positive change in our lives, whether it involves weight loss or anything else. Instead, let’s choose positive affirmations that we consider perfect for us as individuals. Maybe “I make healthy decisions” or “I am surrounded by love” will help us appreciate what we have or even what we want.

Each member of our group picked a Louise Hay affirmation card to share with the group. Here is one I picked: (side 1) “I am willing to let go.” The other side of the card has the related message: “I release others to experience whatever is meaningful to them, and I am free to create that which is meaningful to me.” Letting go is really relevant to me.

As one member reminded us, if we want our affirmations to have a big effect on our attitudes, we need to repeat them daily for at least three weeks.

Someone else pointed out that affirmations can help us change an attitude, but for some people affirmations can be counter-productive if the statement seems untrue. So if someone says to herself, “I make healthy food choices,” but she believes that is totally untrue, she might end up being more negative. Instead, making this little change to the affirmation can be helpful: “I am learning to make healthy food choices.” She can feel positive about that and create change.

I start my day by selecting an affirmation. When one seems particularly on target and might prove to be helpful, I repeat it several times a day, sometimes also in writing, for several weeks. I’m for anything that keeps me positive, especially when bombarded by negative news.

Join us this Saturday morning for our regular meeting. Weigh-in is between 7:00-7:45 a.m. in the Mirror Room of Sun Lakes Country Club. The meeting starts after weigh-in next door in the Friendship Room. Contact Rita at 895-2559 for more information.