Sizzling Summer Softball

Larry Wolfe The temperatures are sizzling, and so is the race for the Summer Softball League title. Through the first 18 games for each team, there was only a three-game difference between the first and last place squads in the five-team league. A-1 Golf Carts and the Young Realty Team led the pack with 10-8…

Remodeling Corner

  Janet Cook Falls are the leading cause of accidental death for seniors. One out of three adults will fall each year, and the longer it takes one to get help determines their ability to survive and recover. Here are some valuable tips when remodeling to consider for increased safety and fall prevention. Home Remodeling…

Unit Happenings

  Unit 11 Dorothy Thurman The Unit 11 Ladies Coffee will be held on Wednesday, August 15, at 9:00 a.m. at the Cottonwood Café, and all Unit 11 ladies are invited to join us for coffee or breakfast – separate checks!