SOS for WWII vets

Joe Bonavire

I am Joe Bonavire, founder of sosww2vets, a non-profit organization to help World War II veterans in whatever way we can. Since our founding in 2009 we have raised thousands of dollars. We have sent veterans of D-Day back each year on the anniversary of that unforgettable day. We have also sent Navy veterans to Pearl Harbor to celebrate and remember what happened that Sunday morning 75 years ago. Many have gone to Washington, D.C. to see their memorial. On one occasion we were asked by a member of Patton’s army if we could arrange for him to travel to Luxemburg where the fallen of the third army rest. We arranged that trip. That was three years ago; now he rests there with his buddies along with their Commander George S. Patton.

This request for funds is not for travel but to help a 90 plus veteran pay his back taxes on his modest home. This is an easy solution; I suggest each house donate one dollar, yes, you read it right. In that way we can pay their taxes and a little left over for other pending expenses. Put a buck in an envelope and mail to our P.O. Box or go to our website at sosww2vets org. You may donate more if you wish; we will never refuse the generosity of the American people.

The names of all those we help are never published nor will these individuals’ names be made public. My generation always helped one another during the depression of the 1930 without fanfare and that is what we also do here at SOS.

Thank you,

Joe Bonavire, U.S. Navy

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit tax exempt org.


EIN 32-0292232

FED ID 45-3782100