Summer Ballroom Dance Classes for Singles and Couples

John Yu

What better way to get rid of the summer doldrums than to learn ballroom dancing?

Many residents want to do ballroom dancing but do not know how to get started. Well, thanks to David Guthrie, our Cottonwood Active Lifestyles Director, the Sunday Dance Club will be conducting Ballroom Basics classes throughout the summer. The classes are oriented towards those who want to learn ballroom dancing and have never danced it before—or very, very little. Having been there myself, I know it is intimidating to be learning ballroom dancing when you are surrounded by advanced dancers and feel like a fish out of water. So, this class is only for beginners.

The class is for singles as well as couples. Its purpose is to introduce you to types of ballroom dances: foxtrot, waltz, rumba, cha cha, tango and swing. Of course, one cannot become an expert at all of them in a short time, but we want to give you a sampling so you can pick which one you enjoy most and would like to advance in that discipline for future classes. Most good dancers pick only one or two dances to work on and might only dance those dances for many years until they get tired of it and want to learn something new.

The class will focus on basic patterns, leading, and following as opposed to the men’s and ladies’ roles. One can learn to lead and follow and dance with each other no matter what the gender. If you are single and don’t have a partner for class, don’t worry. You will not be alone. Single people are very, very welcome. We will pair you up during class.

The times for the classes are Sundays from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the San Tan Ballroom. The dates are July 14 and 21, and Aug. 18 and 25. The cost is $20 per person per class paid at the door (sorry, no credit cards—check or cash only). For questions and details, feel free to call me at 480-699-7334. Again, all our friends in the SunBird community are welcome to attend.