Mary Lou Kaye
A new year… 2020… is just around the corner. It’s a great time to make up your mind to tackle a new skill. Dancing comes to mind. It’s an awesome way to stay fit, have fun, and enhance your social life. You did know it’s the Fountain of Youth, Right? No kidding.
The next group Basic Social Dance class is scheduled to begin on Thursday, Jan. 9, at 6 p.m. in the Dance Studio (Room A-6) in the Cottonwood community. The roster is filling up, but we’ll find room for you.
It’s hard to believe how simple this method of learning is. By the end of the first hour, you will be able to dance to any song you like. The focus is on the man learning to lead and the lady learning to follow.
My creative students have come up with alternative options to match their needs. The options are private or semi-private classes which provide more flexibility for those with a challenging schedule, an opportunity to have just friends create their own group, and a preference for individual attention and progress.
Mary Lou Kaye is the certified instructor with over 30 years of training. Eliminating the need to identify every song and memorize every step you take allows the fun to begin.