Sue Sindelar
The DAC members are keeping cool these warm days of summer. They enjoy getting together to share their joy of painting, drawing, and other visual arts. We meet each Tuesday in the Ceramics Room, 8-A, in Cottonwood between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Sun Lakes artists of all levels are welcome. Come join us for a relaxing and creative experience or stop in to see what we are all about. Fall is almost here, and we look forward to returning members who have been gone for the summer.
Check out the Sun Lakes Goodwill and other thrift shops for art instruction books. You just may find one that would inspire and be helpful. The DAC also has some books that members can borrow. If you have questions, call Sue Sindelar at 480-745-2198. Please leave a message if I’m not home.