Intermediate and Advanced Bridge lessons


David Zapatka

Diamond Life Master David Zapatka will once again be teaching eight new Bridge topics over eight weeks this season at the Risen Savior Lutheran Church, 23914 S. Alma School Road. There will be four intermediate and four advanced lessons. Lesson dates are Friday mornings, will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. and end by 11:00 a.m. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. Price is $75 for all eight lessons, $40 for either the intermediate or advanced lesson series or $12 for individual lessons. Prices include all handout material which will be distributed with each lesson.

Intermediate classes, February 2, 9 and 23 and March 9 – Defensive Bidding Conventions after the Opponents open 1NT; Cuebids Part 1 and 2; Garbage Stayman, Crawling Stayman and Drury.

Advanced classes, March 16 and 30 and April 6 and 13 – Slam Bidding including Keycard Blackwood, Void Showing Keycard Blackwood, Minorwood and Italian Control-Showing Bids; Pass Out Convention and Balancing Strategies; Modern Conventions to take your game to the next level including Puppet Stayman, Smolen, Suction, Leaping Michaels, Suit Lead Transfers and Trump Suit Preference Signals.

There is no need to reserve a seat in the room, but it would be very helpful to know how many lessons to print, so please contact David Zapatka at 480-634-0599 or [email protected] to let him know you what lessons you are attending or for any questions you may have. Everyone is invited to come to all classes regardless of your level of play. All last-minute attendees are welcome without reservations!