Moments of Beauty

CJ Berry, SLFFC Member

The late Arnold Gingrich, famous editor and cofounder of Esquire magazine, has been quoted as having said, “A trout is a moment of beauty known only to those who seek it.”

Anyone who has ever really known a fisherman appreciates that the sport is so much more than just a pastime. For some it becomes a way of life, a calling. The same can be said of the fly-fishing community here in Sun Lakes, but perhaps not for the reasons you might be thinking. It is much more than just the thrill of the catch or the quest for just the right fly, but also a drive for the greater good that can be served through sharing the experience with others.

In this case, the calling is our veterans who benefit profoundly from the camaraderie and peace of mind that comes from outings and communing with nature. To this end, the Sun Lakes Fly Fishing Club (SLFFC) has, for eight years, worked with Project Healing Waters, now referred to as Arizona Veterans Fly Fishing (AVFF, The AVFF defines themselves as an organization that “brings a high-quality fly fishing program to an ever-expanding number of disabled veterans.” They have become recognized as an innovative leader and model in the field of therapeutic outdoor recreation for the veterans through successful application of the sport of fly fishing as a rehabilitation tool. In truth, ensuring the vets have the support they deserve takes “a village.” A village comprised of dedicated fisherman, a veteran-focused organization, and benefactors—specifically, financial benefactors. Together, this team of three provides the human horsepower and financial resources to make it happen.

The SLFFC and AVFF address the first two, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank a recent anonymous donor who has gone above and beyond to help with the financial part of this equation. Our donor is the First Mate of a now late and dedicated fisherman. He had accumulated a treasure trove of fishing equipment during a life devoted, in part, to his aquatic calling. Upon his passing, his First Mate generously donated the gear to the SLFFC to benefit the veterans’ cause. To date, over $3,500 has been raised from the sale of this equipment.

Anonymous donors have a huge impact on many initiatives in our community as they quietly go about their lives, and we should all be grateful in our own way for these moments of beauty. Our fishing details aside, this is also a feel-good story of dedicated groups and individuals coming together and helping others who have devoted their lives for our greater good. As Washington Irving wrote, we believe that for our vets, “There is certainly something in fishing that tends to produce a gentleness of spirit, a pure serenity of mind,” and we hope many future moments of beauty.

If you have an interest in fly fishing, please visit us at or contact the club’s founder George Abernathy at [email protected]. If you would like to make a donation of used or new fly-fishing or camping gear, please contact me at [email protected].