Mosaic class in Oakwood


Janet Hayes and Sandy Holmes

The class will be taught by David Jarvinen. David is a mosaic artist and teacher. He teaches mosaic art in fun and engaging environments, focusing on technique and project-based classes geared to all levels of crafters.

Garden Tower – Mixed Media

Wednesdays, March 28 and April 4: Two sessions 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Join us to create with BOTH porcelain and glass tiles in one project. Design to explore depth and contrast with materials. Our project measures 12”x24”x1” and displays in the garden or on the patio with a custom iron stand for a free-standing sculpture. Back of panel is finished with copper sheeting for a completed look.

All materials are included in this intensive workshop. Please bring a lunch or snack to Oakwood Ceramics Room. The cost is $125 per person. To sign up for class, go to Oakwood.

For more information, call Janet Hayes at 480-650-7303 or Sandy Holmes at 520-603-4446.