Norm Noble
On Tuesday, November 4, the Sun Lakes Rotary Club will honor our nation’s veterans in a special ceremony; one looked forward to annually. If you are a veteran, come to this breakfast meeting. We want to honor you. And if you are able, wear your uniform. (P.S. – very few of our members can). To make reservations for this meeting contact Rotarian Don Prestin at 480-802-0439.
On Sunday, November 9, the Sun Lakes Rotary Club will host its annual Pancake Breakfast. See details in the two-page promotion elsewhere in the Splash.
On Tuesday, November 11, Jerry Traylor, who was born with Cerebral Palsy, will tell about jogging 3,528 miles across the USA. In addition, he has finished 28 marathons on his crutches, climbed 14,110 foot Pikes Peak, and parachuted from 12,500 feet.
A motivational speaker since 1976, Traylor has spoken to over 1,000,000 individuals in 49 states and abroad. His audiences include Fortune 500 companies and professional athletic teams. He has appeared on network television, including The Larry King Show. He has also been featured on Paul Harvey’s Rest of the Story. The late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said, “Building a career as a motivational speaker, Jerry Traylor has prepared himself by becoming a motivational doer. That way he is more convincing when he tells people what it takes to achieve difficult goals – for they know he has achieved many.”
Traylor will challenge us to look within to discover the incredible abilities which we all possess. Each of us are capable of touching our world in a positive manner. At this breakfast, Jerry will share a pictorial essay of his successful run across America and his incredible journey through life!
On Tuesday, November 25, Warren Salinger will present a discussion about his recently-published book, Toward a More Equal World. Salinger has spent his entire working career with NGOs (non-government organizations) in the field of international development. He worked mostly in Russia and Central America, and a bit in Africa. In 1939, he came to the USA at age six as a refugee from Nazi Germany. Salinger is married to his wife of 60 years, Martha. They have four children and six grown grandkids.
Salinger is just back from a southbound transit of the Suez Canal and a visit to Salalah, Oman. He will spend his time this morning on some of the bad things happening around the world – but also, and perhaps more importantly, on the good things: the growing cooperation between countries and the growing economic inter-connectedness between countries which has kept us out of WW III.
The Rotary Club of Sun Lakes meets for breakfast every Tuesday morning at 6:30 a.m. in the Oakwood Country Club Ballroom. The meetings start at 7:00 a.m. and end promptly at 8:00 a.m. Cost of breakfast is $12. To make reservations for any meeting contact Rotarian Don Prestin at 480-802-0439.