Sun Lakes Lions wants to thank all who helped in making our Casino Night 2017 a great event for those who attended. That also helped Lions Camp Tatiyee, for profit from our Casino Night goes to the camp to pay for as many campers as possible who have a need.
Another enjoyable time at Casino Night is when the 50/50 drawing is held. Congratulations to Jamie Trischler of Gilbert, Arizona, who won $560 in the drawing.
There were prizes galore for casino players to put in their winning poker tickets to see if they can be drawn for a prize.
The 2017 prize winners are as follows: Don Torris, Maureen Scott, Bill Howe, Maureen Bryan, Bob Ledene, Don Brenner, Janice Cosgrove, Dennis Kannberg, Cynthia Donohoe, Lee Ketcher, Rose Peyinghous, Tom Thole, Mike Otman, Bonnie Kosar, Susan Crabtree, Ted Bray, Jim Campion, Stephanie Simpson, Louise Beauchamp, Sharon Gale, Ollie Johnson, Larry Blackledge, Sandy Howe, Dawn Kerns, Fritz Durheim, Robin Widner, Brenda Culler, Joan Dixon, Paula Squire, Larry Burk, Amanda Rubio, Cindi Decker, Lynn Thompson, Vicki Long, Beth Durheim, Rolland Hokansan, Arlene Thrower, Koni Kinne, Rosie Raisanw, Tina Carr, Lee Olsen, Janice Shelton, Pat Butler, Joy Karns, Ed Wenzel, Gene Szabo, Ruth Ackerman, Wayne Donovich, Ana Marie Klepfer, Donna Butler, Ramona Ermantraut, Marcel LaPointe, Dennis Nelson, Joe Kramer, Walt Kleindteuber, David Koeller, Betty Dunn, Murry Rehder, Elaine Donovel, Florine Gruby, Patrick Nolan, Carolyn Keeley, Lenny Stolper and Larry Tafoya.