Who in Hell Cares?

Steve Foss

Rev. Steve Foss, FBC, Sun Lakes

This is not one of those jokes about those who went to hell, only to see their preacher there burning right alongside them. No, this is a more sobering read.

One of the most intriguing stories Jesus ever told is found in Luke 16. The story is not found in any of the other three gospel accounts. Luke discovered this gem during the interviews he must have made with eyewitness accounts, providing the truth in the presence of two or more witnesses. In the story, Jesus tells of a poor man who begged at the entrance to a rich man’s home but was ignored. At some point, the poor man dies and is welcomed into heaven. Sometime later, the rich man dies, only to find himself in the miseries of hell.

In the account, we learn that those in hell are able to see the joys of heaven, as the formerly rich man looked up and saw the once poor man conversing with Abraham, he asked Abraham to direct the former beggar to dip his finger in water and allow him to bring him a drop of water. Abraham’s answer is quite provoking: Abraham pointed out how the rich man enjoyed his riches on earth, while the beggar only knew pain and suffering on earth. Further, he explained that a great chasm was between them, and those from heaven could not venture into hell; neither could the citizens of hell enter into the joys of heaven.

The one who had been rich on earth then made a plea that should grip any heart: He asked Abraham to send the former beggar to his five brothers to warn them of the misery and torment of hell. Abraham told him that his brothers had the law of Moses, as well as the writings of the prophets. The former rich man replied to Abraham that his brothers would repent if a dead man appeared to them to warn them.

Wow! He knew repentance was the first step towards heaven. Repentance is all about a changed heart and agreeing with God about one’s own wrongdoing: the evil that led to wrong decisions, bad living, and hurting others to benefit oneself.

Abraham’s final answer to the former rich man was, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.” (Luke 16:31) Abraham is pointing to the truthfulness and reliability of the sacred texts, as well as its power to lead others to repentance.

So, do you really want to know who in hell cares? Well, frankly, all in hell do … through every moment of torment they inherited by rejecting Christ’s atoning power. If you could hear from them, they would tell you, repent, before it’s too late. God is real. Jesus is alive. Hell is real. Salvation is there to receive. It is a free gift. Will you receive it?