Italian American Club News

Steve Ambroso, SLIAC President


The Sun Lakes Italian American Club (SLIAC) will be having our first meeting of 2025 on Thursday, Jan. 9, at the Oakwood ballroom, next to Stone & Barrel restaurant. Our speaker will be Giovanni Triscornia from Ethics Wines who will be talking about his specialty: Italian wines! Doors open at 5 p.m., with dinner starting at 6 p.m. The cost for dinner will be $26, and annual membership is $20. Zelle payment is the preferred way to pay. If you are not familiar with Zelle, please text or email me at 480-577-9445 or [email protected] for details. Checks are also accepted. The RSVP and payment deadline is Thursday, Jan. 2. No reservations or payments will be taken after this date (very important!). RSVP by Jan. 2 to Linda McCabe at [email protected].

We meet monthly to “preserve, honor, and promote Italian heritage, customs, and traditions.” We also enjoy eating! If you are a member and on our monthly mailing list, you will receive an email with RSVP info around Dec. 20. RSVP is a must so we can get the caterer an accurate count. Again, the deadline to RSVP and make payment is Thursday, Jan. 2.

Important news: We have a website! Anyone can access it by going to It includes club news, menus, meeting dates, RSVP info, and photos.

The board of directors for the Sun Lakes Italian American Club looks forward to meeting you, whether you are a returning member or a new member. Come and check us out! We are the fastest growing club in Sun Lakes, with over 150 paid members. We are averaging around 110 members at our monthly dinner meetings. If you have any questions, feel free to call, text, or email me at 480-577-9445 or [email protected].

Grazie. Ci vendiamo.

(Thank you. See you soon.)