You’ve Got Trouble George Stahl There is a song in the musical, The Music Man called, “Ya Got Trouble!” It’s about the evils that can come out of playing pool, in a billiard room, or worse yet, a pool hall. It warns how young men can get wrapped up in all sorts of illicit things…
Tag: writing
August 2023, Clubs & Classes
Writers’ Group
Should You Fib or Just Keep it to Yourself? Lee Murray The answer to that question lies in the eyes of the beholder and who is the teller of the untruth versus the recipient. One of the most common fibs told by husbands everywhere in response to their wives who present in new clothing they…
Clubs & Classes, July 2023
Sun Lakes Writers’ Group
Born a Boat Gary Mentze Now that summer had arrived, the tall, snowy mountains began to drip like giant ice cream cones. At first, these drips of water playfully slid down each mountain’s face. But as thousands of drips tumbled faster and faster down the hill, thunderous streams of water were created. This torrent of…
Clubs & Classes, June 2023
Sun Lakes Writers’ Group
Sooner or Later Ellen Brittingham “Sooner or later …” feels threatening like something difficult must be overcome whether you like it or not. I can remember telling myself, “Sooner or later you’re going to have to …” I needed to get a chore done like cleaning a closet or raking the yard. It was facing…
Clubs & Classes, May 2023
Sun Lakes Writers’ Group
Little Sam F David Rolf Little Sam was fleet of foot but stood just four feet tall He heard a team was being formed— he really loved baseball He found the man, who was in charge and tried to join the team The response he got was not so nice In fact, it was downright…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
Sun Lakes Writers’ Group
A Visit to My Grandmother’s House Joan Berger Let’s eat on the back porch. It was a hot summer night—July or August and I had stopped in after work to visit my grandmother. The evening air was still and sultry as she steered me toward the screened in porch at the back of her house.…
Clubs & Classes, March 2023
Sun Lakes Writers’ Group
Happiness Is … Dorothy Long 2-Year-Old: Getting bigger Getting new teeth New shoes A new toy Not taking a nap Not wetting your pants The first snowfall Presenting mom a dandelion Bugs Running and climbing A new pet An ice cream cone Holidays and gifts Siblings most of the time A new friend A big…
Clubs & Classes, January 2023
Sun Lakes Writers’ Group
Feed Sack Fashions Dorothy Long “I would like three more of the pink with tiny blue and white flowers. I am making curtains for my daughter’s bedroom,” my mother told the feed salesman. That was a typical conversation, between the farmer’s wife and feed salesman in the 1940s, as feed sacks were picked for sewing…
Clubs & Classes, November 2022
Sun Lakes Writers’ Group
Gifts of Her Critical Mom Lani Matsu “Stand up straight, you’re bowlegged! Enunciate! You’re not feeling well? Get in the shower then get your chores done! After your homework, you’ll practice your handwriting! No, you’re not wearing makeup, and get your hair out of your face!” So as the little girl grew up she stood…
Generals, November 2022
Writer’s Group Looking to Expand

Deborah Goodacre Our Writer’s Group welcomes new members. Writing is a solo activity. I know that first efforts can seem awkward and frustrating. I have encouraged many people to write their family history, only to discover they had the same struggles and frustrations I had. Finally, it dawned on me that I never told them…