Jan Bobbett You are invited to attend the weight-management group, which was a stable for over 25 years before COVID-19 hit a few years ago. The group has been reborn and meets Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. in the Friendship Room at Sun Lakes Phase 1. We have a good group of about 20 members…
Tag: Golden Goalies
Features, July 2024
Return of the Golden Goalies?
Mark July 6 on your calendar. A meeting to explore reviving the Golden Goalies weight support group is scheduled for that day. We are excited to discuss a relaxed format going forward post COVID-19. If interested in meeting others and managing your weight, please join other interested people, including some former Goalies, in the Navajo…
Clubs & Classes, January 2021
Golden Goalies: Tis the Season
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
Golden Goalies: Greetings to Friends
Jan Bobbett We can probably all agree that those who have found a way to get their social needs met (and met safely) are the lucky ones among us. So, let’s remember all our old friends and how good it feels to reach out to them and to hear from them. Now is the time…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Golden Goalies—Those Were the Days
Jan Bobbett Probably everyone can remember the first two lines of the popular old song, “Those were the days, my friend. We thought they’d never end.” A recent AZ Republic article had a different take on the sentiment. “Those were the days” in the song meant something along the lines of wonderful times spent with family…
Clubs & Classes, August 2020
Golden Goalies: Stay Safe—Stay Healthy
Bea Loozer “I stepped on my scale this morning. It said, ‘Please practice social distancing. Only one person at a time on scale.’” Ouch! Maybe not so funny when exercise goes down and food consumption goes up, but it’s my favorite quarantine joke. I’m happy to see that we all seem to be getting by.…
Clubs & Classes, July 2020
Golden Goalies: With Help from Angels
Bea Loozer Another day begins. We each welcome a new day in our own way. Most people have a few rituals in addition to donning some kind of clothing. Maybe it starts with a cup of coffee or tea. Maybe going out for a very early walk. You might start your day with a morning…
Clubs & Classes, June 2020
Golden Goalies: Still Calm

Jan Bobbett Most of us are experiencing some different sensations. That’s true for Goalies, too. Thank goodness we have friends nearby—but not too near. As we keep our home spaces clean and maintain a whole array of other safe practices, we’re also taking stock of how we can help each other in our effort to…
Generals, February 2020
Golden Goalies—Celebrating Success

Bea Loozer Proving you’re a loozer (a weight-loozer, that is) during the festive month of December is not easy. But Zen Winters and Sharon Flores demonstrated they can do it. Zen lost seven pounds, and Sharon lost 5.2 pounds—substantial losses any time, but outstanding in this dessert-filled month. Needless to say, they were the biggest loozers in…
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
Golden Goalies—Mission Statement
Bea Loozer In January, many of us think about how to leave a positive impression on the world, and we ponder what New Year’s resolutions we want to make. Goalies join the world in these annual reflections. It’s also a good time to remind ourselves of the Golden Goalies’ mission. Our new captain Janice recently…