Tag Archive for Writers Page

Writer’s Page – June 2024

Washing Evolution Barbara Schwartz My grandparents immigrated to the USA in the early 1900s where they took up residence in Revere, Mass. They bought a house, learned to speak English, and proceeded to have their family of six children. They grew most of their food in their garden, had chickens, and made a decent life…

Writers’ Page – April 2024

New Year’s Resolutions Michelle McComber It’s gotten so that my New Year’s resolution was not to make any New Year’s resolutions. Does anyone ever keep them longer than six hours? Then I feel guilty for at least a month for not being able to commit to something for even a day. You can almost categorize…

Writers’ Page

  Punctuations Lois Grotewald If I were an exclamation point, I’d put myself at the end of “I love you.” If I were a parenthesis, I’d hug “you” from both sides. If I were a period, I’d place myself after forever – period. If I were a colon, I’d be before a line of dear,…

Writers’ Page

  Just a Battered Old Flag Dick Nelsen When we were children one of the first songs we learned was the “Star Spangled Banner,” we were taught to put our right hand over our heart and look at the nation’s flag. Most of us memorized the words and made a valiant effort to sing it…

Writers’ Page

  My Class Reunion Jacqueline M. Ruffino-Platt Which one? My high school reunion. Last evening I received an email from a classmate of mine from high school regarding an upcoming reunion in September this year. The email had an attachment of members of our class who cannot be located. Our last reunion was 10 years…

Writers’ Page

Cats and Dogs Jim Kirkpatrick They are so often an important part of our young lives as playmates. Many in late and much later life we have them as dear companions. When someone will comment regarding the loss of our dog or cat, “it was only a cat (or dog).” Imagine, it may have been…

Writers’ Page

A Grateful Spirit (Thankful, Appreciative, Obliged, Indebted, Glad) Margaret Daniels There were five spirits who each had a special gift. They were instructed to share that gift with people they came in contact with. The first spirit was called thankful. His special gift was to show people they have much to be thankful for. As…

Writers’ Page

Proud Don Stevens He stood proudly saluting as the Red White and Blue passed by the old veteran from WW II. His body showing his age of a man in his mid to late 80’s. As you looked across the street while the parade passed by, you saw a true patriot who fought for what…

Writers’ Page

Lost is Hard Margaret Daniels Losing a good friend is always hard. I have known this friend better than 20 years now. Funny thing was, we met in a store when I was browsing one day and we just hit it off. Sometimes, it just works that way with friendships. As I look back now,…

Writers’ Page – February 2015

Shannon’s Unsuitable Suit Dee Rysdahl Shannon Smith summoned Sarah, her skilled seamstress, to sew a stylish Spring suit suitable for social situations. She scoured the stores and selected a slubbed saffron silk and a simple spectacular style she was sure should show off her stout silhouette as slender, sultry and sophisticated. Sarah, the seamstress was…