Republican Club January 8 Meeting

Carolyn McCorkle

The Sun Lakes Republican Club will feature “Our Financial Times—Past, Present, and Future,” an entertaining presentation by Attorney and Certified Financial Planner Keith DeGreen, at its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the Navajo Room of Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. The public is invited to hear from one of our most popular speakers! Please bring your neighbors and friends! Our mission is “education for an informed electorate.”

You may know Keith DeGreen as the host of Arizona’s most popular personal finance radio show. His show aired for more than 30 years on NewsTalk 550 KFYI. Or you may know him as the founder and recently retired CEO of DeGreen Capital Management, Arizona’s premier fee-only investment advisory firm in Scottsdale. Keith will be making his fourth appearance at the Sun Lakes Republican Club. As usual, Keith’s presentation will be packed with engaging stories to illustrate the economic and financial principles he provides, which makes it all fun and keeps us on the edge of our seats. This year he will be joined by his son Sam DeGreen who will share his analysis of the current and future financial markets and will answer many of your questions.

A few of DeGreen’s stories will include “Donkeys, Horses, Stolen TVs, and Wellington’s Pigeons,” as he takes us through a preview of President Donald Trump’s next four years and way beyond! Obviously, the donkeys are the symbol of the Democrats. DeGreen will explain the impact of the Supreme Court’s Printz Decision (1997) and Sanctuary cities and states. What if horses could vote? How will new technologies affect our labor markets? Remember the recent strikes? Keith will explore the dockworkers’ fight against automation and why it matters.

Stolen TVs, anyone? DeGreen will also examine black markets and free markets and why we need tariffs. Another critical area affecting our financial future is the speed of information versus people. We will enjoy a deep dive into the history of the information explosion and a forecast of the future of our grandchildren (“Beam me up, Scotty!”), beginning with a look at Wellington’s pigeons. As you can see, this financial analysis will not be the usual dry accounting of economic facts and figures, “on the one hand and on the other hand.” Be prepared to laugh and enjoy yourself!

Happy New Year! Please join us for what promises to be an entertaining and informative kickoff to 2025! Our newly re-elected State Senator J.D. Mesnard and Representatives Jeff Weninger and Julie Willoughby will provide a preview of the new legislative session. For more information, visit our website at or contact Mike Tennant at 262-880-4620.