Another Milestone Birthday

Jacqueline M. Ruffino-Platt

My birthdays are always special and have been spectacular. Thanks to my wonderful and special husband John. Many friends and family participated, celebrated, and always shared my birthdays. I didn’t feel different on Sept. 25 than previous days. Now, this year and month has arrived bringing in my 84th year. I am thankful and blessed.

My husband John always makes my birthday very special, as he did in previous years. He contacted and invited some close friends, family members, and childhood friends to surprise me by writing a story they remembered about me. On the morning of my birthday, he gave me these stories to read, and I was taken in by the interesting and loving memories each one possessed. The stories will be placed in my own special album to read on occasions. What a delightful and cherished idea.

Russell, my brother, called me from Lake Como, Italy, to wish me Happy Birthday.

One of the stories my brother Russ wrote was touching, beautiful, and filled with great memories. The story began when my mom brought me home from the hospital as a newborn and placed me on the couch. My brother, seven years old at the time, looked at me for a while, and then asked my mom, “Can we keep her?” His story was filled with great events, happenings, Christmas stories, my growing up, school days, my careers, and much more. How he remembered many of those events.

On the morning of Sept. 25, John showered me with flowers, Shalimar perfume (my favorite scent), and loving cards. Reservations were made for dinner that evening at a special restaurant. Was this birthday any different from others he had planned for me?

Some others were more spectacular. A week onboard a wonderful ship. And then one day he asked me if I would like to visit my brother in Italy. What?? Wow. A surprise trip to Italy, how special and wonderful is my husband John. He always surprises me on my birthdays and any time he wants to surprise me with any day of the year. I thank our good Lord every day for watching over my husband John and I thank the good Lord for sending John into my life who has been very special to me and to others.

John, you have made all this happen for me on my birthday and I thank you and love you from the bottom of my heart. Earlier in the morning on my birthday when John spoke with my brother, he asked, “Can I keep her?”

My birthday is coming up this month again in September and I hear my husband John saying, “Oh no, not again.” The end of September and my birthday month is over. The sounds you are hearing are John cheering.