AZ Red and Pink Hatters sparkle at the Cabaret State Convention

Welcome to our seventh annual State Convention on March 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Cottonwood Country Club San Tan Ballroom, 25630 Brentwood, Sun Lakes. This event is for supporting members only.

Enjoy our Roaring 20s themed event featuring Maddy Paschal and Ron Butler and their live jazz band. They are sure to keep us up on our feet dancing to their wonderful music. There will be lots of shopping, a plated lunch, door prizes, a photographer plus morning coffee/tea and breakfast rolls while you shop in the Saguaro Room. All this for just $45.00 – no extra charge for Fun Laughter and Friendship.

The registration deadline is February 15, so there are still a few days left to get your money in and not be left out of all the fun.

Contact information: Ambassador Ann Crabtree, QM Desert Ya-Ya’s, 480-883-0354; Ambassador Judy Wolin, QM Chapeaux Rouge, 480-802-8521