Best Blessed Breakfast

Left to right: Cindy Gleason, Liz Taran, Cathy Boulby, Tracy Beck (photo by Sarah Marks)

It’s time to say goodbye to this year’s safari hunt for the Best Blessed Breakfast for the men at First Baptist Church Sun Lakes (FBCSL). The Men’s Ministry braved feverish temperatures, battled a slew of wild animals, and beat their way through the concrete jungle to bag the elusive prey—the Best Blessed Breakfast in town.

Each month, the famished men stopped at a different reserve (restaurant) to feast on the wild game and to soothe their fatigued bodies and souls before foraging their way to the next reserve. Each reserve on the safari offered the same fare (menu items), but each one was also unique. First Watch, Black Bear Diner, and Egg N’ Joe, to name just a few, did not disappoint. However, there were a couple of favorites the men all agreed on.

Robson Reserve (yes, that’s the name) wins Honorable Mention for its superb food and outstanding atmosphere. The men agreed that the intimacy and setting stood out, making this place special. Congratulations, Robson Reserve, for a job well done!

By a razor-thin margin, The Buttered Biscuit takes first place in the hunt for the Best Blessed Breakfast. The food was outstanding, and the wait staff was friendly. Congratulations for a job well done!

The Men’s Ministry at FBCSL will begin a new venture in January, and all men of Sun Lakes are invited. The question is, “Are you made of metal?” Check out the website at or call the church at 480-895-1088 for more information.