Janet Quade
Our Cottonwood Golf Course is looking very good after all of the rain. The Cottonwood women golfers were playing their very best during this month’s tournaments. Only one Thursday got rained out.
09/04. Cha-Cha-Cha is a game where one ball counts on Hole No. 1; two balls on Hole No. 2; three balls on Hole No. 3, with continuation 1-2-3 format through 18. Winners: 1st Susan Hayward and Joan Barcal, 2nd Mary Nelson, Virginia Diers and Diana Ridd, 3rd Barb Senneff and Lucsa Buzbee.
09/11. Rained out
09/18. Nassau was played with winners of the net scores on the front nine holes and back nine holes each, and then a prize for the overall lowest gross score. Winners were as follows: Flight 1: Rose Hames won for the net front nine and tied with Nancy Gahn for the net back nine; Rose also won for the overall gross score; Tammy Visser won second for the net front nine and the gross score overall; Flight 2: Lucsa Buzbee took first place for the net front nine holes and the gross overall; Cathy Lastofka took the net back nine holes; Gloria Combs took second for the net front holes and gross overall; Lucsa Buzbee and Gloria Combs tied for the net back nine holes.
09/25. The game of T’s and F’s winners were determined by the net scores on all of the holes beginning with the letters T or F. The tie for first went to Sandy Eeds and Gloria Combs. Billie Seiberling took second, Jo Crook took third.