CTA Independence Campus 2nd Grade Classes Salute Our Veterans

Some of the coloring pages that were on display at the Veterans Day celebration

Cottonwood Palo Verde’s Nov. 11 Veterans Day event touched the hearts of those in attendance, especially because of the heartfelt messages from the 2nd grade classes at Chandler Traditional Academy (CTA) Independence Campus.

One of the most powerful and impactful ways to teach children about Veterans Day is to give them a hands-on learning experience that will help make Veterans Day meaningful and memorable.

The 2nd grade teachers at CTA Independence Campus deserve a special thank you for teaching their students that Veterans Day goes beyond the historical facts. It’s about instilling in them the values of patriotism and gratitude.

More than 50 2nd grade students used their creativity to make Veterans Day special by coloring a patriotic page honoring veterans. They also expressed, from their own hearts, a thank you to our veterans. Here are just a few of the thank yous written by the students in their own words:

Harris: “Thank you for your service. Thank you for risking your life. Thank you for being strong, brave, and all your hard work.”

Jeera: “I love Veterans Day, thanks for all of your help!!”

Maddax: “Thank you for being brave. Thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for risking your lives.”

Shreeya: “Dear Veterans. Thank you for saving the world and making us free, and also thank you for risking your lives.”