Golden Goalies – Let’s move!

Toni Corrigan, “a keeper,” (on the left) and our leader Sharon Flores

Toni Corrigan, “a keeper,” (on the left) and our leader Sharon Flores

Bea Loozer

Golden Goalies are out there moving—in the pool and the gym, on the bike and the golf course and along the path toward our weight-loss goals.

Speaking of goals, kudos to Toni Corrigan, who met her weight-loss goal last month. Besides meeting the goal, she persevered to keep that weight off for six weeks, and that makes her a “keeper.” It’s an important achievement, and even with all of the holiday temptation, I know she is not alone. I predict that two or three other members will become keepers soon.

Besides fighting bon bon temptations, dropping pounds and moving one foot in front of the other one, our Golden Goalies group is moving our meeting location. Beginning February 4, you will find us at Cottonwood Country Club, 25630 S. Brentwood Drive, Sun Lakes, Room A-8. Park near the flagpole in the parking lot and walk toward the pool. In Room A-8, you will find out what it feels like to be in a group that supports you in your journey to better health.

Join us for support, encouragement, shared wisdom and some good laughs. Weigh-in is from 7:15 to 7:45 a.m. in Room A-8, near the Cottonwood library. The meeting starts after weigh-in. Contact Rita at 895-2559 for more information.