Golden Goalies: Still Calm

Here is a photo from the Golden Goalies archives. Enjoy!

Here is a photo from the Golden Goalies archives. Enjoy!

Jan Bobbett

Most of us are experiencing some different sensations. That’s true for Goalies, too. Thank goodness we have friends nearby—but not too near.

As we keep our home spaces clean and maintain a whole array of other safe practices, we’re also taking stock of how we can help each other in our effort to achieve and maintain good health. Physical, mental, and social health are uppermost in our minds. Right now, club officers are thinking about ways to help members and other community folks who are facing challenges that spring from weight issues. We want to be here for all current members and others who can benefit from knowing us.

And let’s also hear it for fun.

We’re still calm. And we’re still thinking of you. Be safe.