Healing with essential oils


Paullene Caraher

The next oil sharing will be on June 6 (the first Wednesday) from 1:00-2:00 p.m. We will be making a blend to address severe pain: The Morphine Bomb. This is a blend of particular oils which has a similar effect to the drug. This is one person’s experience:

The following is my own experience with a Young Living essential oil recipe called the “Morphine Bomb.” The boys wanted to go bike riding yesterday. However, I was severely fatigued, and my left shoulder, neck, and arm were inflamed, sore and weak. I have three cervical herniated vertebrae, and this is how it affects me from time to time. Typically, I ice it and keep it immobilized for days on end until the inflammation is gone. Well, not anymore! It was time to try the “Morphine Bomb”: Put the drops in a capsule and ingest.

I did this twice throughout the day, along with icing the inflamed areas. I also took a two-ounce shot of NingXia Red juice to improve the energy situation.

Well, we not only went for a long bike ride, but I wanted to keep on going! Historically, riding a bike inflames my neck, shoulder and arm. So, initially, I was very hesitant to go. I can honestly say that there is no pain today. Hip, hip hooray! I love these essential oils! Posted on the website for Morphine Bomb.

You can come prepared to make the blend (Shelley usually brings enough supplies for 10 to 12 people) or you can just come and listen; it is free! You want to make a roll-on vial, RSVP and bring your $15 per vial.

The May meeting was a lot of fun. Several new people came and had questions about the kits they had purchased from their daughters. Starting using the oils can be daunting. That is why we have these gatherings, so you can ask questions and share with others.

We use Young Living Oils. The Young Living Company calls their process Seed to Seal because all aspects of growing the plants and distilling the oils are under the auspices of Young Living.

The sharing is in the SunBird Golf Resort located at 6250 SunBird Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85249, on the third floor in the Navajo Room. When you enter the clubhouse, you are on the second floor. Call Paullene at 602-292-7858 or Shelley Zavarella at 312-521-0451 (you can text on these phones) or email [email protected] or [email protected].

Remember to RSVP.