Michele Michaels, Hard of Hearing Specialist, ACDHH
At some point in our lives we are going to end up in the hospital or a skilled nursing facility. People with hearing loss will, without question, encounter communication challenges while there. Michele will recount her own experiences in this realm and share the various types of services and devices guaranteed you under the law.
Join us on Thursday, November 13 from 12:45-2:30 p.m. at the Ed Robson Branch Library, Lecky Center, 9330 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248.
You are not alone!
If you, a family member, or a friend is challenged by hearing loss, please come and join us for education, sharing and refreshments.
All are welcome. You owe it to yourself! CART (real-time captioning) is provided and the meeting room is looped for your hearing accessibility.
Please park in the church lot next to the library. Thanks.
For additional information e-mail Liz Booth at [email protected] or Regina Milgroom at [email protected]; or call Scott Sjolin at 602-652-3000, ask for the Ed Robson Branch.