Hiking Club January Highlights and February Events

Warren Wasescha

Sixteen club members kicked off the new year by hiking to “Resolution Rock” at South Mountain to “fly” their resolutions through a special “rock portal” into the new year, followed by a “toast” at the trailhead afterwards. Word has it everyone is keeping their resolutions so far!

In January, the Mellows enjoyed hikes on Parker Pass, Beverly Canyon and the Javelina Trail Loop, Mule Deer Trail, and Wild Burrow and Pipeline Trails. The Moderates enjoyed hikes on the Dixie Mine Trail, Mormon, Fat Man’s Pass and Hidden Valley Trails, the Goldfield Arches, Skyline Regional Park Loop, multiple trails at South Mountain, and Tom’s Thumb and the Lookout in the McDowell’s. The Motivateds enjoyed hikes at Ford Canyon in the White Tank Mountains, Weaver’s Needle Loop in the Superstitions, Alta Trail at South Mountain, and Wasson Peak near Tucson. And the club hosted their annual Winter Potluck on the 25th.

Confirmed events as of this writing for February are as follows:

February 3rd the Mellows hike Bootlegger & Granite Mountain Trails in the McDowells, and the Motivateds hike Spur Cross, Tortuga, Elephant Mountain & Dragonfly Trails near Cave Creek.

Feb. 5 – The Moderates hike Pinnacle Peak in North Scottsdale.

Feb. 7 is our monthly meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the Phoenix Room at Cottonwood, preceded by an executive board and hike coordinator meeting at 2:30 p.m.

Feb. 10 – The Moderates hike the Salt River and Coon Bluff Loop in Tonto National Forest, and the Motivateds hike Robber’s Roost in the Superstition Mountains.

Feb. 12 – The Moderates hike the San Tan and Goldmine Trails at San Tan Mountain.

Feb. 17 – The Mellows hike Marcus Landslide Trail in the McDowells.

Feb. 24 – The Motivateds hike the “Eliminator Loop” (beware) at South Mountain.

Feb. 25 to 27 is our Special Hike in Tucson.

If you want a great way to enjoy nature with others while seeing parts of the Valley and beyond that you might not get to see otherwise, come join our club. We are a friendly, inclusive group that welcomes all able-bodied hiking enthusiasts!

Check out our website at meetup.com/sun-lakes-hiking-club to view the latest descriptions and times of our hikes. We hike Mondays and Wednesdays of each week from November through April.

Interested in getting more information about our club? Please contact our club president Stu Frost at [email protected].