Israel: The Nation and Its People

Michael Cohen

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation and the East Valley Jewish Community Center present this series to clarify common media myths about historical and current issues relative to Israel.

The international media often portrays Israel as an intruding, colonizing power within its borders; an apartheid state; an occupying force wherever Palestinian Arabs reside; a suppressor of all Arab rights; and a genocidal force. Are any of these characterizations true?

Is the world aware that Israel unilaterally left Gaza in 2005, forcibly removing all 9,000 Jews from 25 settlements, causing extreme political tension among Israelis? In addition to rejecting the United Nations Partition Plan in November of 1947, Israel’s peace proposals to the Palestinians have been rejected on at least six occasions, each of which provided Palestinians land for peace.

“Israel: A Nation and Its People” is being presented to clarify myths with talks by knowledgeable and authoritative speakers.

On Sept. 8 at 2 p.m., Rabbi Michael Beyo, the CEO of the East Valley Jewish Community Center, will speak on “Israel and Its Inhabitants. A Journey of Centuries.”

Rabbi Beyo’s impressive educational background includes three prestigious rabbinical ordinations and advanced studies in political science, Jewish history, philosophy, and jurisprudence across top universities in the United States and Israel. Additionally, he spearheads Six Million Voices, a groundbreaking global nonprofit dedicated to immersive education, with a focus on Holocaust education and combating antisemitism.

On Oct. 27 at 2 p.m., Mr. Gil Hoffman, executive director of Honest Reporting, from Israel, will speak on “Peace, Politics, and Propaganda: An Insider’s Look at the Fight for Israel on the Military and Media Battlefields.”

Honest Reporting’s mission is to ensure truth, integrity, and fairness and to combat ideological prejudice in journalism and the media as it impacts Israel. They engage the next generation and educate the public to understand and value the above aspirations.

Mr. Hoffman has lectured in all major English-speaking countries in the world, more than half the Canadian provinces, and recently made history in Hawaii by becoming the first Israeli speaker to have lectured in all 50 states. He lives with his family in Jerusalem.

This program is free and open to all in the community and will be held at Sun Lakes. Registration is required at Registrants will receive specific location information. If you have any questions, please send them to [email protected].