Italian American Club News

Tom and Donna Wisyanski, Lawrence and Joanne LaSalle, and John and Cathy Eanniello

Steve Ambroso


The Sun Lakes Italian American Club (SLIAC) welcomed 111 members to our annual Holiday Party and raffle, featuring the barbershop chorus of the East Valley Harmonizers, on Dec. 10 at our new meeting location, the Oakwood ballroom, next to Stone & Barrel restaurant. What a festive night with Christmas songs, 31 raffle baskets, and great food and friends (and complimentary wine from your club!).

Our next event will be highlighted by Giovanni Triscornia from Ethica Wines on Thursday, Jan. 9. He will be discussing his specialty: Italian vino. Doors open at 5 p.m. The cost for dinner will be $26. Zelle payment is the preferred way to pay. If you are not familiar with Zelle, please check our website for help. Checks are also accepted. The RSVP and payment deadline is Thursday, Jan. 2.

Our February dinner meeting will be a repeat of our program “A Traditional Italian Wedding.” There will be a DJ for dancing the tarantella, along with member family photos from past Italian weddings. It’s your time to dress up in your old wedding outfits and be seen! Doors open at 5 p.m. The cost of dinner is $26. The date is Thursday, Feb. 6, and the RSVP and payment deadline is Thursday, Jan. 30. No reservations or payments will be taken after these deadline dates (very important!). RSVP to Linda McCabe at [email protected].

Important news! We have a website! Access it by going to It includes club news, menus, recipes, meeting dates, RSVP info, and photos.

The board of directors for the Sun Lakes Italian American Club looks forward to meeting you, whether you are a current member or a new member. Come and check us out! We are the fastest growing club in Sun Lakes, with more than 160 paid members (and we always have a fun time). If you have any questions, feel free to call, text, or email me at 480-577-9445 or [email protected].

Grazie. Ci vendiamo.

(Thank you. See you soon.)