Korean War/Korea Service Veterans news


Stacy Sweet

The R Countryman Chapter of the Korean War/Korea Service Veterans will meet on Tuesday, March 27, in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 a.m. KWVA is proud to welcome Tony Contrabasso, Sun Lakes resident and presenter extraordinaire! Tony delivers his Dynamic Visual Productions to various venues in the valley to high acclaim. His shows are enjoyable, instructive and with colorful PowerPoint-narrated presentations of various subjects. Some of his subjects include the history of Pearl Harbor, the Atomic Bomb, the building of the Panama Canal and Earthquakes and Tsunamis. For our March meeting, Tony will be answering the question: “What Did Columbus really discover?”

Please join us for an entertaining, yet informative, presentation on Christopher Columbus!

A special thanks to our January speaker, Michon Jablonski from Dispatch Health. Knowing there is an option of having the emergency room come to your own home will bring relief to people of all ages!

ALL Veterans and their guests are welcome. You can learn more about us on our website at www.kwvacc.org or contact Leon Johnson, commander, at 970-481-3005.

And remember, “Freedom is NOT free.”