“Summer Hotties” Glo Malmberg, Kelly Wojak, Mary Dyrseth, and Karen Beltz having an after-round drink with the ubiquitous Doug Stodgel. He always buys. What a guy!

Mary Dyrseth

The hot weather of summer is winding to an end, thankfully! A sea change is coming in the humidity and temperature. I can’t wait!

In other interesting news, Linda Jones recently spent a tidy sum of money as Club Champion on an entire set of new clubs. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, and Merry Christmas to you, Linda! No more presents for you this year. As a result, she has been playing great—four birdies at Oakwood the other day. Since my game has been a challenge, I Googled “Will new golf clubs help my game?” The answer came back a resounding “No!” Oh well, I guess I already knew that, so I’ll continue to play with my 12-year-old clubs. At least they aren’t steel shafts like Kelly Wojack is using. What a gal. I guess I can find someplace else to spend my money. Not a problem.

The ubiquitous Doug Stodgel challenged Glo Malmberg and me to a game in December after his hip surgery. Glo and I will keep our powder dry for that event. No mercy.

Our last event of August was best nine holes.

Flight 1: 1st Linda Jones, 2nd (tie) Mary Perry and Glo Malmberg, 4th (tie) Leslie Smith and Peggy Cooper

Flight 2: 1st Stephanie Raach, 2nd (tie) Dang Teater and Jean Karich, 4th Diane McCauley

Flight 3: 1st (tie) Betty Lauer and Frankie Hatch, 3rd Nancy Cohn, 4th Sharon Behm

Okay, in case you don’t understand the meaning of “sea change,” “keep your powder dry,” and “ubiquitous,” don’t feel bad. I didn’t either until a more senior partner in my department, when I asked about the term sea change, replied, “Any educated person knows what that means.” Okay, so I didn’t go to Choate Rosemary Hall, Eaton, Yale, and Harvard like Peter did. Instead, I went to the county high school in the least populated county in Minnesota where the students were bused to school from 60 miles up the Gunflint Trail, 40 miles from Taconite Harbor to the west (aptly named because of the taconite plant there and not much else), and 40 miles from the Grand Portage Indian Reservation in the east, all to get to a graduation class of 72. I guess it was kind of a Jack Pine Savage upbringing. Well, I know all those terms now and some others that golfers use from time to time, like FISO, FISH, and ABFU. No translation needed for experienced golfers.

Anyway, I’m off to Hawaii for a week or so. Aloha, as they say. Maybe next month I’ll be in the winner’s circle.