Ponderings of a Pastor

Pastor Steve Foss

Loose lips aren’t the only things that sink ships! Large ships faithfully served their duties for our country, carrying hundreds, if not thousands, of seamen within their berths and battle stations. A military ship is like a country unto itself, requiring responsible leadership, experienced planning, careful routing, thorough training, and capable discipline of the crew.

For two centuries, major mishaps and navigational mistakes were rare occurrences. Why? Well, because thorough training was given to every seaman who would embark upon the ship, from the cook to the captain. Everyone had a defined task, which was expected to be performed with excellence and precision. When a task was left undone, or not done, well, there was both loss of face and a definite consequence for dereliction of duty.

My grandfather was in his 30s when the United States entered World War II. He recalled being assigned to a military barge in the Philippines, which had to be moored quickly before an oncoming typhoon. He and another sailor were assigned watch duty for that vessel. Unfortunately, during the storm, the barge came unmoored from its dock and they were quickly swept out to sea. It made for quite a thrilling search and rescue story.

When a ship is moored at port, it may indicate the need to resupply the ship, attending to necessary mechanical needs of the ship, addressing medical needs of personnel, ending a tour of duty, or even allowing a change of command.

A ship that is loosed from its moorings is likely to do one of two things:

• Be ruined upon either the dock or the shore—if upon the dock, there is usually collateral damage to other ships; and

• Drift aimlessly through the sea, being prisoner to the tides of nature.

Our nation is very much like a ship and its crew. Our nation’s moorings have often been cited as having occurred during significant times of spiritual renewal: the first Great Awakening of the 1800s, the second Great Awakening of the 1900s, and the massive revivals of the 20th century.

If we as a nation are loosed from our moorings, one of two outcomes are likely:

• We will be ruined upon the shore of secularism; and

• We will drift aimlessly in the tides of humanism.

Return to me, says the Lord. Turn the tide … attend church Sunday!