Shalom Hadassah – June 2014

Esther Spear is shown accepting a Thank You Certificate from Joyce Spartonos and Shirley Shalett, co-presidents of Shalom Hadassah.

Esther Spear is shown accepting a Thank You Certificate from Joyce Spartonos and Shirley Shalett, co-presidents of Shalom Hadassah.

Doris Codkind, Publicity

Our final meeting before our summer hiatus was a huge success. Esther Spear presented a program on tracing our ancestors and how to get started navigating the numerous internet sites listed in her handouts. This fascinating field of genealogy really came alive as Esther told stories about how she personally delved into her own family’s roots.

The 75 women who attended came away with a new resolve to start their own investigations.

See you in September. Shalom!