Unit 37 notice

Annette Carrington

As noted on an e-mail sent out earlier in July, the Second Wednesday Socials have been discontinued through August. We plan on resuming again in September and I am always looking for those interested in being a Greeter.

Gentle reminders: Please watch your speed within our neighborhood and always give your neighbors a smile – it is contagious!

If you have never received an e-mail from me ([email protected]) please send me an e-mail to this address. We still have about seven addresses that are not working on our site.

Reminders for our next two Board meetings for 2014: November 19 and December 17; both will be on Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. at the Oakwood Clubhouse.


President Karine Williams 480-802-7298

Vice President David Dunn 480-883-6672

Treasurer Delores Whitlock 480-802-4709

Secretary Judy Carlon 480-895-1178

Member at Large Glenn Berggren 480-883-6642

Maintenance Manager David Jacobsen 480-688-2532

Accountant Heather Rodriguez 480-535-9756, ext. 103

There will be two positions open on the Board at the end of this year. Please consider volunteering to run. Serving your community is always appreciated.

Enjoy the summer wherever you are!