Rose Sumners
Visit our Cottonwood Art Room to enjoy “Castles and Cathedrals,” our first water media exhibit of the busy season. Both spectacular religious and scenic mountain peak cathedrals are included.
A myriad of subjects attach to our next paintings, as we approach the juxtaposition of dark and light. No theme, so who knows what subjects appear? We know that we will see contrast! It should be fun.
In January we celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the founding of the Watercolor Club with a special luncheon at Palo Verde Country Club. Two of our original members continue to actively contribute their creativity.
Visiting with many old friends and making new ones was another reward for showing our work in the Cottonwood Atrium last month. Thanks for attending and for purchasing original work.
Are you painting with water-based mediums and searching for a group to paint and grow with? Visit with us on Tuesdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. or call Dianne Hitt at 802-7080 for information. If interested in owning one of the hanging paintings refer to the attached business cards and contact the artist.