You’re the cure

Sue Schwartz

I know how things can kind of blur together during the start of a new year, and I don’t want you to miss this.

The reason I’m so excited about this project – and why it is so needed in our community – is that it hits at the heart of what I hear so many people struggling with… “I don’t have the energy to walk, or I’m afraid to walk alone.” A unique partnership with the CWPV HOA, CWPV Foundation, Walk with a Doc Foundation, Sun Lakes chapter of Walk with a Doc and Chandler Regional Hospital tells us help is on its way.

This gift to yourself, your friends and family is one of the most important investments you will ever make. Leading by example is an investment in your health and generations to come.

2019 saw 47 Sun Lakes Trail Blazers walking with Dr Hu of Dignity Health Care around Cottonwood’s five lakes. Dr Hu spoke on rib fractures and how important movement was in maintaining mobility.

“Walking is one of the simplest ways to get active and stay active. With each step you take, you travel further down the path to a healthier lifestyle. Research has shown that walking can have a significant impact on your health by lowering your chances of heart disease. Learn more about the benefits of walking and how incorporating it more can lead to healthier living.” – American Heart Association

Are you ready? Do you have plans for March 9? When you join Walk with a Doc you make a difference from day one. You help prevent a stroke. This FREE walk offers a simple solution to relief from many chronic conditions.

Dr Andrew Wiel recommends walking as a must-do exercise that is effective for overall health (it strengthens almost every major organ in the body, promotes bone density and boosts the immune system) and helps with weight loss.

Dr. Sandra Indermuhle of Dignity Health Care shared information about Opioid Awareness with 30 hearty walkers who braved February’s cold temperatures.

Our March 9 Walk will be led by a Dignity Healthcare physical therapist. The talk will focus on simple tips to prevent falls while walking.

Walk Info:

8:30 a.m. Registration | 9:00 a.m. Walk

10:00 Dutch Treat Breakfast on patio at CW Grill (optional)

Questions: [email protected]

The Cooper Institute’s research on the impact of middle-age fitness made world-wide headlines this year, showing nearly half a billion people that it is never too late to improve your heart and brain health. Their research team is focused on understanding all the ways fitness may prevent debilitating conditions like depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss as we age.

Join more than 464 Walk with a Doc chapters in locations across the world.

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Told you it was simple! So, let’s Walk with a Doc on March 9.