Steve Moody, Robyn Moody, and Sarah Amstutz
Steve and Robyn Moody
The 17th annual Diamond Lake Luminaria Walk and Food Donation Drive was a huge success! Sun Lakes residents and their families supported our efforts to help restock AZCEND’s (our local food bank) shelves, and you did not disappoint!
The totals were: 6,129 pounds of nonperishable food items, $4,458 monetary donations (online, checks, and cash), for a grand total of 8,218 meals for those families in need! AZCEND’s Sarah Amstutz (our coordinator) was so grateful and said we provided the most donations during the holiday drives!
Unit 36C’s efforts to decorate and provide a festive Luminaria weekend brought in so many people! They enjoyed themselves walking around Diamond Lake enjoying the decorations, the luminaries, and the entertainment. Residents and visitors were so generous with their food and monetary donations. What a lovely weekend it was!
A special thank you to Fred Smith (keyboard) and Janae Dunn (acoustic guitar and singer) for volunteering their time both evenings. They made this event extra special with their talents and entertainment. We also want to recognize the support we received from IronOaks at Sun Lakes HOA.
Unit 36C thanks you all for your generous support again this year. See you next year for our 18th annual Luminaria Walk and Food Donation Drive.