Liz DeMichael
The Palo Verde Ladies Golf Association (PVLGA) finished off 2018 in a big way. Check it out…
12/04. Front Nine. Only the scores on the front nine holes of the course counted toward the score, although 18 holes were played. You could have done well on the back side, as this ol’ girl did, and gotten nothing because that’s not the game we were playing. Oh well! The winners were: Flight 1: Terry Gaube (26), Bonnie Moore, Donna Purcell and Tracy Rice (27); Flight 2: Carolyn Hoffland (20), Jo Crook (25.5) and Anita Barber and Carole Guild (26.5); Flight 3: Jo Ann Hicks (25.5), Karen Bailey (26.5) and Rose Hames and Anita Hopkins (tied – 27.5); Flight 4: Julie Lutostanski (24), Kathy Koon (28) and Linda Parfitt (29); Flight 5: Bonnie Kane (26.5), Marsha Deuel (27.5) and Janis Bazzill, Rita Raymond and Lori Snodgrass (tied – 28).
12/11. Minnesota Scramble. A unique and fun event was played for the Christmas Luncheon tournament. The best drive was chosen by the team on all holes. From that point, the “A” and “B” players on the team played their own ball for the rest of the hole. The “C” and “D” players played a scramble for the rest of the hole. The team winners were: First: Dee Czaja, Marsha Deuel, Bonnie Moore and Carolyn Tagatz tied with Lois Fitzsimmons, Linda Parfitt, Barb Smith and Janet Stuckey (tied – 100); Third: Naomi Bryson, Ginger Mays, Jan Nelson, Donna Purcell tied with Dolores Allard, Janis Bazzill, Carolyn Griffis and Florence Wright (tied – 102).
12/18. Ladies Choice. Even though 18 holes were played, only nine holes counted toward the final score. The trick was that the nine holes had to be selected before play began, kind of like Christmas shopping. The winners were: Flight 1: Terry Gaube (22), Kathryn Campbell (26) and Ann Hammond (26.5); Flight 2: Jan Stuckey and Tammy Visser (tied – 25.5) and Julie Curran (28); Flight 3: Gwen Curtis, Sharon Eisenzimmer, Kathy Ivesdal and Diane Kruse (tied – 28); Flight 4: Cathy Brabant and Marsha Deuel (tied – 26.5) and Mary La Tourelle and Diana Ridd (tied – 27.5); Flight 5: Noella Bannister (26), Rita Raymond (28) and Sandra Labute (28.5).