2025 Ladies Billiards Started Off with a Bang

Left to right: Wendy, Charlo, Lynnie, Susan, Christy, Dannette, Joyce, Toni, Deborah

Dannette Hunnel

The first gathering of the 2025 Cottonwood Ladies Billiards group on Jan. 11, a brisk Saturday morning, was fun and well attended. Gals from Cottonwood Palo Verde met in Room A-5 at 9:30 a.m. to play rounds of 8-ball while catching up after the holidays. We are “chicks with sticks” who aim to make friends, share community information, and hone our billiards skills while humming along to the music of our era.

The group’s plan for 2025: Meet up on Saturday mornings between 9:30 a.m. and noon (when available) and play games of 8-ball, 9-ball, and cutthroat. All ladies are welcome.

Never played before? That’s Okay. We will teach you.

We are non-competitive and there are no tournaments, no dues, no recorded scores, and no obligation to find substitutes if you are unable to attend. We play just for fun. Cue sticks are provided.

If interested, join us in Room A-5 in the courtyard behind the Cottonwood Library.