
The kissing booth at the Valentine’s event

The kissing booth at the Valentine’s event

Does my dog drop to the ground when another dog appears? This behavior puzzles humans and is often thought that this posture is submissive; however, that’s not usually the case. As long as your dog is not growling or stalking the oncoming dog, it is probably an invitation to play. It is all about body language in dog-to-dog communication and the belly to the ground is one of several different canine play solicitations.

Another is the play bow, where your dog’s front end is on the ground and his back end is in the air. Dogs also do sort of a wave to an approaching dog by raising a front paw either from a standing position or a play bow. If the oncoming dog doesn’t understand the gestures he could respond with fear or aggression. A well-socialized dog, however, will respond appropriately by either accepting the invitation to play, or simply ignoring it if he doesn’t feel like engaging.

Why does my dog dig up my backyard? This is an entirely natural canine behavior. Wild dogs dig holes to hide food. Females dig dens to deliver and nurse their pups. Humans have played a role in the behavior as well, by breeding “digger” dogs to hunt for vermin and other critters in earthen tunnels. Dachshunds are notorious diggers, as are terrier breeds. Their paws are even turned slightly outward so they can use them as little shovels.

Other reasons dogs dig: Boredom-many dogs left outside alone will dig just to entertain themselves. Escape-some dogs will try to dig their way out of a fenced yard so they can have an adventure. To find cooler ground-if your dog is left outside during the warmer months of the year, he may dig to find cooler layers of soil to rest on. And some dogs just love to bury things-favorite toys, bones, treats or other food items.

Tips for curbing digging behavior: 1. Dogs that receive adequate daily physical activity are less likely to develop undesirable habits out of boredom. “A tired dog is a good dog.” 2. Supervise whenever he is in your backyard; left to his own devices outside is asking for a continuation of his bad habit. 3. Consider using a deterrent where your dog likes to dig, such as pepper, citrus or diluted ammonia. 4. Give your dog an approved place to dig and train him to dig only there. Make sure the soil in his digging spot is soft and bury a few treats to get him started. Use positive reinforcement behavior training. In Arizona, an alternative to soil is sand, which is easier to clean off than dirt.

Rover’s Rest Stop and Ranch Kids send a big thank you to all that came to the Valentine’s event to visit and support them! We love to have new kids come to stay at the Ranch too! See you the second Saturday of the month in Cottonwood–St. Patrick’s Day celebration! For more Information call 480-600-2828, email www.RoversRestStop.com or visit the website https://www.facebook.com/roversreststop/.