About six years ago, several women who live on the north side of Watford Way (backing up to Cottonwood’s west lake) decided that knowing one’s neighbors was an important aspect of Sun Lakes life. It started out with a casual dinner party, but the guys weren’t much interested in dinner parties. So, the women decided to “Do Lunch.”
The WWWWW now includes 18 neighbor ladies who meet monthly for lunch, catch up on what each other is doing and share neighborhood news and concerns. They banded together to support fountains on the five lakes, help one another when people are sick and look out for property when neighbors are away. Not everyone attends every time. After all, there’s golf, employment and doctor appointments. But for the most part, attendance is good.
The idea has even spawned another group on the south side of Chestnut which backs up to the same lake. Their name is uncertain, but something like “The Clever, Charming Chics of Chestnut Drive.”