Jim Roberts, Publicity
March started out kind of “wintry.” As a result, the Club Championship was reduced to one round, played on March 2. The winner and Club Champion is Mike Lorimer. C.W. Rollins was runner up, and Dick Howell is the Masters Champion. Congratulations and a high five to all three of these fine golfers.
On March 9, a four-person scramble was contested. The winner was the team of Cliff Joyes, Bill Ryan, Butch Reber and Gary Zahnow.
On March 16, a Select-a-Drive, 3 net Best Ball competition was held. The winning team was comprised of Ron Keil, Don Peterson, Dick Hollenbaugh and Jay Hamlin.
On March 21 and 23, the Club participated in a home and home with the boys from Oakwood. The winning team consisted of Lee Smith, Chuck Sloan, Bob Rouleau and Bill Davis.
And finally, on March 30, there was a 2 Net Best Ball contest. The winning team consisted of Pat Conroy, Ron Cox, Jim Mottern and Bob Kruse.
All in all, it was a fun month of golfing activities. As the snowbirds start thinking about packing up and trying to remember where their snow shovels are, we are looking forward to a great month of April. The azaleas will be blooming as we contest the Member-Guest tournament as well as a Ryder Cup match with the Cottonwood boys later in the month.
So have a great month of golfing and keep your head down.