Roberta Franke
Join us at our general meeting on Wednesday, October 2, at 1 p.m. in the Oakwood Ballroom of the Oakwood Country Club.
We are excited about our special guest speaker for our October meeting. She is a national teacher, award-winning quilter, designer, and publisher. She is a member of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame.
She has designed bargello and pieced quilts. She will be speaking about bargello quilts that are two and three colors, along with color changes. Her presentation will include both bargello and pieced quilts.
By definition, a bargello quilt is one made of strips of fabric sewn together to create the appearance of movement. She will have patterns for sale. Note: cash or check only. There will be a fee of $10 for guests attending the general meeting.
Any person interested in quilting may become a member of Agave Quilters with the completion of a membership application and a check for yearly dues and a name badge. As a member, there are many “sew days” during the week in the Oakwood Sewing Room at the Arts & Crafts Center. There are classes available taught by our own members, as well as from outside speakers/teachers.
Contact our president, Loy Rheinauer, at 360-903-7278 for information or contact our membership chair, Dennie Sullivan, at 480-540-7509.