CWLGA Kicks Off New Season

Patti Hegenbarth, Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association President

Nov. 4 saw the kickoff of a hopeful and enthusiastic new season of golf for the ladies of Cottonwood—hopeful that the effects of the pandemic are largely behind us, and enthusiastic about enjoying a favorite pastime and meeting new friends. Results of our team game are not posted as of this writing, but many are waiting to learn if they’ve added enough to their club account to buy that cute skort on the center rack at the Pro Shop.

Our new president, Patti Hegenbarth, will lead the club in the coming year. The executive group is rounded out with Marky Wilson, vice president; Barb Senneff, secretary; and Paddy Newton, treasurer. The club is always grateful for those who step forward and give their time to make it all work like a well-oiled machine.

Ladies who either joined or re-joined the club last year included Alice Barber, Deb Bahac, Shelley Carlson, Dee Hogaboam, Karen Lindgren, Jamie Noblit, Denise Orthen, Tracy Rice, Pat Shouse, Kathy Sulser, Belen Wilson, Laurie Alexandere, Taka Menninger, Carolyn Agre, and Anita Creger. A listing of 2021-22 new members will be compiled for our next report.

Pat Shouse took up the mantle to represent the club on the HOA Golf Committee and was elected chairman at its first meeting. She will be able to report delight from several members of the club with the condition of the course after overseeding. Thanks to all who remember to fill divots and repair ball marks. It improves everyone’s game.