Cactus bloom photo just waiting for your paintbrush
Sue Sindelar
Springtime in Arizona provides so many beautiful opportunities for artists of all mediums to explore. The Desert Artists Club members have been gathering to work on their own creations. The Art at The Lakes show was a huge success, and several of our members participated. It was fun and inspiring to see all the beautiful artists and, of course, their works.
We invite any artist to join the Desert Artists Club, which meets each Tuesday afternoon throughout the year from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Ceramics Room (A-8) in Cottonwood. Any artist within the three HOAs of Sun Lakes is able to join. We gather with other artists for inspiration and fellowship to work on our own projects in a fun environment. Each artist brings their own supplies and works in their own medium. Some artists paint, while others enjoy drawing.
Spring has sprung, and we have said goodbye to some of our winter members. It is always a joy to have them here, and we wish them a wonderful spring and summer back in their hometowns and look forward to seeing them again in the fall.
If you are new to Sun Lakes and wish to participate, just stop in any Tuesday afternoon and see if this club fits your needs. We are a casual club with no dues or regular meetings. We do enjoy occasional social gatherings and artistic outings. Our goal is to provide a place for artists to set a special time to come and work on your art projects. We also have books to lend on various techniques. You may contact me for further information at [email protected] or 480-745-2198, and please leave a message.