Mary Kenny
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Southeast Valley Branch (SEV) members and guests will hear from Save Our School (SOS) leaders at the Branch’s Feb. 17 meeting. Speakers include Leda Devlieger and Lisa Calderon, both East Valley SOS CAT (Community Action Team) leads.
Save Our School is a non-partisan, community-based organization supporting strong public schools to build a better Arizona. There are three components to its work:
1. Research public education issues affecting our state in an objective, fact-based manner.
2. Engage Arizonans around the topic of public education by sharing research and initiating dialogues around the state.
3. Collaborate with other local and national education and community groups, business partners, and other leaders to build support for public education in Arizona.
Leda Devlieger was born and raised in Cottonwood, Ariz., and is a mom of two teens and an educator. While not currently in the classroom, she continues to educate and engage parents, teachers, and community members about education policy and issues in the East Valley.
Lisa Calderon is a mother of four daughters and one granddaughter. She grew up with an appreciation for educators, as they were instrumental in her love of reading and learning. She relocated to Arizona in 2010 and is an advocate for quality and equitable education.
AAUW is a diverse group that encourages participation by those who wish to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, philanthropy, and research. It also supports education and legislation impacting girls and women.
AAUW SEV meets at 5:30 p.m. on the third Monday of the month, October through April, at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 Riggs Road in Sun Lakes.
To make a difference and meet other accomplished, interesting women, please join us and be a part of change in the making! For more information, email us at [email protected].