Matthew’s Crossing Is Hoping We Will Be Their Valentine

If you walk into a grocery store with $1, you won’t be able to buy too much. But when you donate $1 to Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank, they can turn it into three meals!

Peanut butter, soup, cereal, canned meat (tuna), pasta, and macaroni and cheese are the foods that are most needed by Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank. These foods are included in the Weekend Backpack Food Bags. Each bag has enough food for two breakfasts, two lunches, two dinners, and a variety of snacks. Matthew’s Crossing volunteers pack and deliver these meals to area schools each Wednesday, and they are then distributed to students on Friday. Currently, Meals To Grow volunteers pack more than 1,000 backpack meals each week and deliver to more than 20 area schools, K-12.

Our donors in Sun Lakes have been with us since 2008. Here are the year-end results for 2024:

The Sun Lakes Bridge Club donated 121 pounds of food and $993.

Unity Church of Sun Lakes donated 220 pounds of food and $1,543.

The Democratic Club donated 680 pounds of food and $485.

Sun Lakes Country Club has a box for donations at the front desk, and they collected 299 pounds of food and $475.

To schedule a home pick-up, schedule a visit to Matthew’s Crossing, or if you have questions, please contact Jim Meagher of Reach Out Sun Lakes at either [email protected] or 630-346-1966. Financial donations to Matthew’s Crossing are federal income tax deductible and also qualify for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.