St. Steven’s Church Respect Life Ministry is holding their 12th Annual Baby Bottle Drive in 2025, starting on Friday, Feb. 14, and ending Sunday, April 27. Baby bottles will be available at St. Steven’s Church’s main office during the week and on the weekends. Please fill the bottles with coins, cash, or checks and return them to St. Steven’s main office. These funds will be used to save the lives of babies by providing free ultrasounds, medical and financial assistance, counseling, and other services for women, men, and families in unplanned pregnancy situations so that they will choose life for their unborn babies.
Many businesses and caring people have been very generous in the past and are appreciated so much for their financial assistance, sacrifices, and multiple, powerful prayers that have helped to save the lives of the unborn. God bless you and all your loved ones abundantly and keep you happy, healthy, holy, safe, and prosperous.
For information or questions, please call St. Steven’s Church’s main office at 480-895-9266, Ext. 0, or Dick and Barbara at 480-855-7272 or Anne at 480-802-9127.