New member Gary Lynn with Lions Larry Palmer and Tom Holman
Sun Lakes (Evening) Lions Club New Member
A new member joined the Sun Lakes (Evening) Lions Club. On Feb. 6 President Larry inducted the new member, and Lion Tom Holman was new member Gary Lynn’s sponsor.
Disaster Relief
Christine Linder
Sun Lakes (Evening) Lions Club needs your help. If you would consider a donation to help with disaster relief, please consider a donation to Lions Club International via our club. See the phone number below for information.
A little background information on how, through Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), Lions Clubs around the world serve those in need in times of natural disasters.
Lions Clubs International has a strong reputation for disaster relief efforts worldwide, and Lions Club disaster volunteers are often involved in various stages of emergency response and recovery. Their activities are typically coordinated through the Lions Clubs International Foundation or local clubs, depending on the region and scale of the disaster.
Role of Lions Clubs disaster volunteers are as follows:
1. Immediate Response
• Donations and Supplies: Organizing and distributing food, water, clothing, and medical supplies to affected areas
• Shelter Assistance: Setting up or supporting emergency shelters for displaced individuals
• First Aid: Providing medical assistance if volunteers have the necessary training
2. Recovery Efforts
• Clean-up and Debris Removal: Assisting in clearing safe zones of debris, but only in areas deemed safe by local authorities
• Rebuilding and Repairs: Helping rebuild homes, schools, and community facilities in the recovery phase
• Fundraising Campaigns: Organizing fundraising events to support disaster relief efforts
3. Support Services
• Emotional Support: Offering counseling or support services to affected individuals
• Logistical Help: Assisting in distributing supplies or managing operations at disaster recovery centers
• Community Communication: Educating communities about disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies
To make a donation, please contact the Sun Lakes (Evening) Lions Club at 480-352-8076 for information, and we invite you to join us. Working together makes everything possible for those in need.
Where there is a need … there is a Lion!
Breakfast Lions Invite You to ‘Show Your Colors’
Brian Curry and Linda Dreyer
Throughout the year, driving through any of the Sun Lakes communities, you could get the impression that we are one very patriotic place to live. And you’d be right, but that’s only one of the reasons that, in our little piece of Arizona heaven, we have a plethora of the red, white, and blue flying in the breeze.
Donations from Sun Lakes residents for the posting of flags—the American flag, the various Armed Forces flags, and the police/fire first responder flags—is the biggest fundraiser for the Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club (SLBLC). These donations allow SLBLC to support various charities as wide ranging as Neighbors Who Care, to the AZCEND food bank, to sponsoring a scholarship for a Chandler high school student going on to trade school.
When the flags are placed on your property, they are raised 100% by volunteers from the SLBLC to maximize your donations going back into the Sun Lakes and Chandler areas.
Flags are put up preceding six major holiday periods: Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day (which includes Patriots’ Day and 9/11 remembrances), and Veterans Day. They are left up afterwards for a short time before being retrieved and put into storage until the next flag holiday.
The Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club also has the flags of the Armed Forces (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, POW, and First Responders) that allow you to show your pride in your service or your support of their mission.
Your donation of only $40 per year is for one flag to be put up and flown on patriotic holidays ($75 for two years). For a donation of only $75 per year, you may choose to display two flags, such as an American flag and a service flag ($140 for two years). There are also options to keep the flag(s) up year round. Upon notification, the Breakfast Lions will replace any SLBLC flags that become torn or faded.
The SLBLC flag program allows residents of Sun Lakes to show their patriotism without the responsibility of flag maintenance while helping to support the charities that serve them—a win-win!
To subscribe or for further information on the “Show Your Colors” program or if you’d like to join us, call us at 480-242-4356 or email us at [email protected].